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登入Apple ID提示“登录失败”如何操作


    當你遇到在iWhereGo Genius上登入Apple ID時收到提示“登入失敗,請稍後重試”該怎麼辦,別擔心幾個步驟幫你解決它~

    failed upload

    步驟 1 移除Windows裝置信任

    (1)在已登入Apple ID的裝置上,開啟設定 > >頭像

    remove windows device trust1

    (2)在Apple ID頁授權的iOS裝置上,點選當前Windows電腦名稱,點選移除

    remove windows device trust2

    步驟 2 找到如下檔案位置,並刪除adi資料夾

    C:\ProgramData\Apple Computer\iTunes

    delete adi

    步驟 3 解除安裝iCloud

    (1) 在設定 > >應用中找到iCloud,點選“修改”按鈕

    uninstall icloud

    (2) 選擇“移除(R)”,並點選“下一步”

    uninstall icloud

    uninstall icloud

    (3) 解除安裝完成後,點選“完成”

    uninstall icloud

    步驟 4 重啟MHN Genius

    Home > 指南-TW > 登入Apple ID提示“登录失败”如何操作
    Vincent is a full-time writer focusing on game issues and improving the gaming experience. He is an avid fan of LBS and AR games and has provided correct solutions to more than 10,000 users so far.